
Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Rebirth of a Fallen Man Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Rebirth of a Fallen Man - Essay Example The narrator undergoes externally and internally significant changes because he drugs, cares about other people, and desires to live a common lifestyle in the end of the collection (Johnson, â€Å"Jesus’ Son: Stories†). The narrator experiences positive external and physical changes as he recuperates from drug addiction. Because of drugs and alcohol, the health condition of the narrator becomes worse and worse. Before the car crash happens, the narrator cannot even stand up because a college man gives him drugs. He loses his consciousness and passes out in the grass off the exit ramp. His exhausted and weak body compels him to feel the world negatively, owing to his emotional behavior. Once, he said, â€Å"I hadn’t been anywhere near it in over a year, but I was just getting sicker. When I coughed I saw fireflies†. The aforementioned statement can be attributed with the context that the over the years, the narrator had been growing sicker, resulting in the development of chronic cough. Drug overdose during talking medications places him in a severe condition, and he is almost dead. However, things are changing...

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